Yuzvendra Chahal, who has been struggling to find a place in India's white-ball setup, was notably left out of Haryana's squad for the knockout rounds of the Vijay Hazare Trophy, sparking rumours about his personal life. The 33-year-old leg-spinner, who had previously been omitted from the group stage of the tournament, was again overlooked for Haryana’s upcoming match against Bengal in the Preliminary quarter-finals, set to take place on January 9 at Kotambi Stadium in Vadodara.
Despite leading Haryana to a strong performance in the group stages, where they secured six wins out of seven and finished second in Group A, Chahal’s absence from the knockout rounds raised eyebrows. The team is set to face Bengal after accumulating 24 points in the group stage, trailing only Gujarat, who remained unbeaten.
The Haryana Cricket Association (HCA) addressed the situation, confirming that Chahal's exclusion was based purely on cricketing reasons and not related to his issues. An HCA official explained, "The decision was made in consultation with Chahal. We’re focusing on nurturing younger talent with an eye on the future. Parth Vats, a promising leg-spin all-rounder, has been brought into the squad."
Rumours about a potential divorce between Chahal and his wife, Dhanashree Verma, gained traction after Chahal deleted all pictures of his wife from Instagram and unfollowed her while Verma continued to share photos with him.
On January 7, Dhanashree took to Instagram to speak out against the speculation. In a heartfelt story, she condemned the spread of unverified rumours and the "character assassination" she had faced. She stated, “The past few days have been incredibly tough for my family and me. What’s truly upsetting is the baseless writing and the character assassination of my reputation by faceless trolls. I’ve worked hard for years to build my name and integrity. My silence is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength. While negativity spreads easily online, it takes courage and compassion to uplift others. I choose to focus on my truth and move forward, holding onto my values. The truth stands tall without the need for justification.”
Chahal and Verma’s relationship, once the subject of public admiration, has now become the centre of intense scrutiny due to these rumours. However, both continue to focus on their respective careers and personal growth amid the ongoing speculation.